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Showing posts with label Kansas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas. Show all posts
Friday, December 4, 2009

Updates on the Race: 12-04-2009

Eyeing stimulus money for education, states adopt reforms (Christian Science Monitor)
States seek stimulus funds tied to education reforms (PBS NewsHour)

Parental involvement in Race to the Top (KPBS)
RttT bill is divisive (Sacramento Bee)

ILLINOIS: Hard policy work to advance RttT goals (

KANSAS: State is 'well positioned' (Lawrence Journal-World)

MICHIGAN: State Senate passes teacher tenure bill (Detroit Free Press)

NEVADA: Special session to address Race to the Top? (Las Vegas Review-Journal)


Past "Updates on the Race"
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Teachers' Voice

An important survey was released this week that captures teachers' perceptions of their professional working environment. The national study of 900 teachers by Public Agenda describes educators as falling into one of three groups: "Disheartened," "Contented," and "Idealists." It also raises some serious policy implications for the placement, retention and longevity of teachers based on teachers' perceptions about working conditions, why they entered the profession, and their opinions about proposed policy reforms.

But as useful as this survey may be in defining these issues at a 30,000-foot level, it does not approach the power and utility of teacher surveys that offer entire populations of educators in individual states and districts the opportunity to share their voice about working conditions, leadership support, resources, opportunities for professional learning, etc. In turn, these anonymous surveys also provide contextualized, customized summary data at the state-, district- and school-level based on the perceptions and opinions of local educators.

Teaching and Learning Conditions surveys have been led by the New Teacher Center in states such as Alabama, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina and West Virginia, and in school districts such as Fairfax County, Virginia. They provide state and district policymakers and educational leaders with powerful data to define issues that need to be addressed in school and districts that have major implications for the quality and effectiveness of teachers and principals.

Read the Public Agenda report, but also think about conducting a Teaching and Learning Conditions survey in your state or school district. What do the teachers where you live and work think?
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Evolution in Question

The Kansas State Board of Education circa 2005 retains the gold medal for Wackiest State Policymaking Body based on its creationism of science standards that promoted intelligent design and trampled upon the theory of evolution. (Those, of course, were overturned by the subsequent Board.)

But the Florida House of Representatives circa 2008 is a strong contender for the silver medal based on its passage on Monday of the "Evolution Academic Freedom Act," a piece of legislation modeled after one drafted by the pro-intelligent design Discovery Institute.

Any other nominees? Who should get the bronze?
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